News about Education Ladder


 Hong Kong International Education Expo 

 Education Ladder is one of the key supporting organization of Hong Kong International Education Expo (HKIEE).  We were in Booth A15 - Child Education Zone.  The best selling educational software - English and Math for kindergarten and primary children and 2014/15 the most updated primary/kindergarten admissions books were on special sale.  We also offer a free gift for parents who become our members.  It was very encouraging, more than hundreds of parents have registered as our members.

The HKIEE  has become the most popular and informative education event in Hong Kong since its debut in 2004. The large-scale and well-found study resources exchange platform favors HKIEE to be the most popular Education Expo in the city. In its 17th edition in 2014, HKIEE is well-positioned to continue delivering rich information exposures and timely preparation for all candidates and parents.





  In order to keep readers and members to stay abreast of the educational breaking news and activities,  we have recently set up a new Facebook Fan Page to communciate with members and new joiners, our spread will not only be in website, but will also inform our new members on any upcoming activities or valuable events.

As such, please join us by "LIKE" showing your support so you can get the most updated news, seminar alert, discounted promotion and free gift etc.

More interesting events will come.  Don't miss out this chance to join the great activities - event and seminar.




An exciting documentary Film Making Project for Secondary School Students

Friends of the British Council (FOBC) is generously funding the "Hong Kong Young  Journalist" project.  The Friends of British Council (FOBC) aims to support the  charitable activities of the British Council Hong Kong which create mutual benefit for  Hong Kong and the UK.  This project gives students in Secondary 1, 2 and 3 and the   tools to help them to produce a short English lanugage current affairs film about an issue they are interested in.  This supports students to develop skills in critical thinking, problem solving, creative expression and responsible citizenship. They will launch it every year and 2013/14 is the first year launching this project.

Visit how Education Ladder collaborate with British Council on this exciting project:



 Compliments from Parents Concern Group


 Education Ladder has conducted an interview about "How to use picture  books to inspire children to think about civic awareness?"    Miss Yeung from  the Parents’ Concern Group on National Education said that the selection of  picture books for children should stem from the individual interest of the child,  so parents should allow some degree of freedom for their children because  in general the picture books promote positive messages and values for them.  

 She points out that suitable intervention to allow children exposure to subjects  outside of fairy tales or superheroes will undoubtedly be more beneficial to  the child. Parents can encourage children to explore other topics without  forcing them to do so, otherwise they will lose interest in the picture books.        

Parents Concern Group with more than 18,000 members thanks Education Ladder for the interview.  


Please click below for their Facebook Fans Page.






Education Ladder Provided Charity Support to  Christian Action

 Christian Action has organized the 3rd "3-legged Charity Walk"on 22 March  at The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club.  All the proceeds will go towards  Christian Action's Friends of Qinghai Children Progamme""Education  Ladder was the supporting organization in helping Christian Action to  generate more donations and participants. 

 The donations will help to sustain their services to save the lives of the  vulnerable children in Qinghai.


  Christian Action (reaching families and donators)







In order to capture more quality readers, Education Ladder has increased the readers through a wide variety of channels:

*   Parents and partners quality referral

*   newsletters sent from Principals to Parent, all primary and secondary schools in HK

*   Joint Promotion, Basic and VIP membership recruitment

*   Seminars & Exhibitions

*  Facebook referral

*  Google and Yahoo Search SEM / SEO

*   Household Mail Drop



坊間的繪本種類繁多,如何為子女選擇適合作公民教育的繪本? 國民教育家長關注組楊瑾小姐表示,為子女選擇繪本,應從子女的興趣出發,可容讓子女某個程度上自由選擇,因兒童繪本一般意識健康,不會教壞小孩。不過,小孩子一般只會選擇公主或超人的繪本,在這時候家長又應否介入?楊指出,適當的介入,讓子女可接觸公主或超人繪本以外的題材,無疑對子女更有裨益,故家長亦可向子女推介其他題材的繪本,但不要強迫,這才不會抹煞子女...See More
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