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Multi-cultural learning environment offering both International curricula & a local curriculum

Education Ladder proudly invites the Principal of YMCA of HK Christian College (YHKCC) Mr. Dion Chen for conducting an interview, we would like to take this valuable interview opportunity to let parents know more about the mission and culture of YMCA of HK Christian College and its curriculum, in order to have a better understanding of its background and development.



E – Education Ladder       Y – The Principal of YMCA of HK Christian College Mr. Dion Chen


E:  What sets YMCA of HK Christian College apart from other DSS Schools?

Y:  Local and international curriculum: All subjects in our school are taught in English (except second languages and Chinese History).   We offer both international curricula, namely IGCSE curriculum and UK GCE A Levels, as well as and a local curriculum leading to the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE).  Students in forms 3 to 4 can take IGCSE on top of the HKDSE curriculum, while students in forms 5 to 6 students can opt to take either the HKDSE curriculum or the GCE A Levels.


Multi-cultural learning environment: Our school has over 70% international students from over 40 countries, offering a dynamic international learning environment for students. Over 38% of our teachers are from the overseas including UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Japan and India; bringing with them the history and culture of their home countries. Our students' education is enriched by this cultural diversity that prepares them for entering today's globalised world. Our aim is to enable our students to become confident and responsible global citizens, respecting and valuing each and other’s cultures.

A Mission-driven Community:  We envision our school as a learning community based on Christian beliefs and values, offering high quality education in a joyful and stimulating environment.  We believe that the foundation of this learning community is the partnership among teachers, parents and students.  We have established 5 core values for our education. We strive to

  • Build a community that cares
  • Serve one another in love
  • Respect ourselves and others
  • Be responsible
  • Act with integrity


E:  What has the school done to foster a 3-way partnership between itself, students and parents?

Y:  The school is eager to hear from students and parents via an elected Student Council and the Parent Teacher Association. To enhance home-school cooperation and foster communication between teachers, students and parents, the school has developed a mYnet, an online virtual learning where parents can learn about how their children are doing by tracking their class attendance, behavior record, subjects of study, as well as their exam, test and homework assignment results.  In addition, we also use various channels such as parent letters, emails, phone calls, face-to-face meetings, the school’s website and students’ handbooks to keep the three parties in close contact.  Home-School events like Parent-Teacher Conference, Back to School Night, Academic Evenings are held regularly to strengthen the 3-way partnership.


E:  What academic assistance will the school provide its ill-performed students with?

Y: We want all our students to feel happy, safe and cared for at school. We are keen to provide high quality pastoral care, building a structured environment with clear learning goals where students can grow and may feel being valued as individuals. The pastoral care provision is augmented by the services of special needs teachers, educational psychologists, school social workers and EAL teachers who provide extra support to students with difficulties in learning in English. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive academic support to serve individual needs by assigning mentors to needy students, structuring remedial classes after school and conducting regular review on students’ academic performance.


E: As your school offers both international and local curriculum, could you share with us the proportion of Form 5, 6 students for the recent 3 years?  What made them lead to this result?

Y: The proportions of Form 5 & 6 students taking the International curriculum (IGCSE and UK GCE A Levels) and the local HKDSE curriculum are approximately 46% and 54% respectively. Students plan their future paths based on their individual needs and interests.


E:  What distinct advantage the school's location will bring to its students?

Y:  Tung Chung is a multi-cultural community with a wide range of nationalities. Our school is fortunate to be located in such a beautiful part of Lantau Island where we enjoy fresh breezes from the leafy hillsides that surround the school.  The spacious campus and generous-sized classrooms are complemented by various learning facilities including a fine art centre, a drama room, a campus TV studio, a student learning centre, a fitness room, as well as a number of science and computer laboratories.  The school is equipped with modern I.T. equipment and the entire campus is air-conditioned.

We also have exceptional sports facilities including an artificial turf pitch, a multi-purpose sports field, a four-lane 100 metre running track and a long jump sand-pit.  The two storey Music Block & Promenade houses a number of music studios and other innovative amenities to further facilitate an all-round and aesthetic education for students.

We also work with a vendor to deliver high quality catering service for our students, offering a great variety of nutritious food and drinks for breakfast, lunch and short breaks. 




E:  What extra-curricular activities are YMCA of HK Christian College students good at?  Does the school have any particularly strong sports teams?

Y:  A particular strength of our school is the whole-person development and all-round educational opportunities for students. We believe that each student is unique and has special talents. We are eager to discover, release and develop students potentials, fostering their all-round growth in terms of both academic and ECA developments. We offer 45 clubs for students to explore their talents and interests outside the academic curriculum. Our Cheerleading Team, Football Team and Basketball Team were awarded numerous trophies in the past years. Outreach service programs are organised annually to enrich students’ learning experience, nurturing an international outlook in them.


E:  Which universities do students go to after graduation?

Y:  Exploring and developing multiple paths for our students’ higher education has always been always our focal point. Most of our graduates have stayed in Hong Kong after graduation, going to local universities such as Hong Kong University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Some have gone to UK universities such as the University of London, the University of Newcastle, the University of Glasgow and Cardiff University, while some have chosen to be go back to their home countries such as Canada (the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia),the Philippines, India, Australia and New Zealand.  One point to note is that the proportion of students applying to universities overseas has been on the rise over the past years.


Contact of YHKCC's Admission Office : 2988 8123.


Admissions Office Opening Hours

Monday to Friday  8:00am to 5:30pm

Saturday   9:00am to 12:30pm



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