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English Class

English Enrichment Class

Learning a new language can always be quite intimidating and challenging in the beginning.

However, it can prove to be immensely useful in the future. We provide students the opportunity to become familiar with the English language through our English Enrichment Classes which can be one-to-one or in a small group. Once students have dedicated their time in learning English, they would be able to cherish a lifetime of enriching opportunities and experiences.


Our English Enrichment Class highlights the importance of the student’s reading and writing skills. Reading is fundamental in today’s society even when it comes to filling in school application forms, reading instructions on products or reading road signs.


Apart from the English Enrichment Class, we also offer Creative Writing and Critical Thinking Classes. They are tailor-made for different ages and levels depending on the student’s needs.These classes have their own practical benefits for students:

  • Challenges their creative thought process
  • Strengthens their confidence and reading ability
  • Develops them academically and emotionally
  • Builds up their persuasion and language skills
  • Thinks open-mindedly within a system of different thoughts, implications and consequences
  • Communicates effectively with others to solve complex problems
  • Enhances ability to work with others with different experiences and viewpoints


What To Expect From Our Classes

Students can extend their vocabularies which could help them in different situations. They can learn English that is spoken and used in the real world. Therefore, when it comes to school interviews or activities, they would be prepared to use the proper English and meet the school’s requirements. Our classes are tailored to combine essential skills used in practical situations. It is vital to be highly active throughout the classes and show progress naturally and spontaneously. This includes the element of having a fun and interactive classroom. 


The English Enrichment Class offered also prioritizes the ability to speak fluently. Many students from around the world would even improve a lot more when it comes to reading and writing. However, with speaking, they start to lose their confidence or find it difficult to express themselves clearly. Through these classes, the students would not only be able to use proper long sentences when speaking. They would incorporate the essence of speaking English naturally and confidently which would make them feel at ease in native English-speaking cultures.


The Fundamental Importance of Storytelling

Storytelling is the oldest method used for teaching. The use of literature is not only to develop student’s basic linguistic elements, but also help them understand the socio-cultural aspects. Students always have an interest in reading books in their first language and this is the desire they need to transfer when it comes to learning a second language.


According to Duff and Maley (1990), the use of literature offers these following advantages:

  • It offers a wide range of styles, vocabulary, etc.
  • It deals with matters that concern children and are related to their personal experiences.
  • It is open to multiple interpretations and opinions, bringing about genuine interaction and participation in the classroom


In our English Enrichment Class, the students will have an opportunity to read and listen to stories. We implement an interactive storytelling to our class which involves using hand gestures, body movements, facial expressions and vocal variety.


If you would like to enrol to our English Enrichment Class, please contact us at 3182 6925 or leave a message on WhatsApp at 5486 4753.

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