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US University Rankings

From University to career, want to know which schools are launching graduates into desirable jobs. They are listed out for your references.


Accounting Professionals

  1.  Villanova University
  2. University of Notre Dame
  3. Boston College
  4. Lehigh University


Finance Professionals

  1. University of Pennsylvania
  2. Yale University
  3. Georgetown University
  4. Princeton University
  5. Columbia University in the City of New York


Investment Banker

  1. Georgetown University
  2. University of Pennsylvania
  3. Yale University
  4. Duke University
  5. Columbia University in the City of New York
  6. Princeton University


  1. University of Pennsylvania
  2. University of Michigan
  3. Harvard University
  4. New York University
  5. Cornell University

Media Experts

  1.  New York University
  2. Hofstra University
  3. Duke University

Software / I.T. Professionals

  1. Carnegie Mellon University
  2. Caltech
  3. Cornell University
  4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

* Source:  Linkedin – they are based on the career path of the members.



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